About Us
A message from the owners of Local Living Magazine, Terry & Kristin McCarthy:
We are hands-on owners. We work directly with our clients and provide top-notch customer service, including strategic consulting, expert ad design, and customized results tracking. If you’re interested in establishing your brand and generating direct results and you want an experienced team to guide you then you definitely are going to like working with us. We take great pride in our client relationships.
We launched Local Living Magazine in 2013. We started with one zone (Madison County South) and gradually expanded it to six zones, which covered the entire Metro East. No other medium comes close to our massive mailed circulation. We currently mail Local Living Magazine 7 times per year. Approximately 90% of our advertisers stick with us year after year. We hope you’ll join our wonderful family of clients. We’ll do our very best to help grow your business in the most efficient manner possible. Thanks for considering us!